We're back to the HIS and HER versions of Roamin' Catholics: Body & Soul. First HIS... The inspiration for our choice of this week’s church was a discussion with our Uncle Ed following mass last week. We told him that the week before we had gone to St Mary’s and that we had just attended mass at St. Louis. He suggested that we should go to St Ed’s the following week (this week.) None of us had ever heard of a church named St Ed, Edward, Edmund, Eddie or any other variation. This presented me with the challenge to find a St “E” Catholic church. Truth be told it really wasn’t that hard. I found two. One in Baltimore and one in Bowie, MD. Unfortunately, it appeared that the one in Baltimore was closed permanently (last things posted on their web page were from 2015.) Fortunately, St Edward The Confessor was alive and kicking in Bowie, MD. So off we went. The church building looked to be of 1960’s vintage. I can...